Vytas Jasinskas


Bird dander infiltrates and affects the brain in a variety of ways. Vytas finds himself using years of experience as a professional engineer to design bird perches, strollers, and foraging toys. On warm summer evenings, Vytas can be found, proudly pushing Harry through the neighbourhood, with Simba and Jackie each sitting happily on their perches in back-pack cages. The whole flock enjoys these summer outings. The birds flirt with the people who stop to ask questions, while Vytas explains the joys of caring for companion parrots. When he’s not busy renovating, doing stained glass projects, or coaching speed skating, Vytas’ winter months are spent endlessly cleaning up after birds, sourcing appropriate wood, drilling holes in blocks, stuffing in peanuts, and corking them up, ready for the assault of the flock. It is a labour of love.


Vytas has been a member of the Golden Triangle Parrot Club since 2002 and has volunteered as the videographer for CPC since 2005. He has also volunteered at the All About Birds events at the Ontario Veterinary College.

Posted in committee.