Pennies4Parrots 2010 Challenge


The P4P Challenge 2010 will support Parrot International’s Slender-billed Conure Project in Chile, South America.  American clubs are being invited to take part in the challenge with the winning USA club to be announced in May of 2010 just before the next Parrots International Symposium.

We would like to invite all Canadian clubs to join the challenge as well. The winning Canadian club will be announced late October 2010. Talk to your club members, pet store owner or other organizations and get them involved.

Remember every penny counts!

Visit the Pennies4Parots pages for more details.

P4P Challenge 2010 Canadian Participants Total Funds Raised

As of June 2010

club-durham Durham Avicultural Society


calgaryparrotclublogonew Calgary Parrot Club


club-guelph Golden Triangle Parrot Club


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