P4P Challenge 2009


The P4P Challenge 2009 will support the World Parrot Trust’s
Thick-billed Parrot Program

Your donations will support:

  • thickbilledparrot-215x300Engaging local communities to use their natural resources in a sustainable manner through increased education thereby preserving the biodiversity of theThick-billed Parrots area.
  • Intensively managing captive populations to prepare them for potential releases in future years to re-establish the birds in parts of their former range.
  • Continuing the development of translocation and captive release techniques as a management tool for wild and captive birds.
  • Undertaking genetic research to determine how best to manage both the wild and the captive bird populations ensuring the species’ long-term genetic viability.
  • Conducting disease research, particularly focusing on West Nile virus, an important disease in both people and captive
  • Thick-billed Parrots.
  • Studying the effects of global warming on the remaining habitat (evident in increased destructive fires and insect damage)
  • Introducing ecotourism and craft development projects to bring income
  • to the local people and to encourage non-consumptive use of habitat areas.

P4P Challenge 2009 Winning Prizes

The highest fund raising group will receive the following items (may change depending on the year):

  • Logo on the CPC tote bag
  • Full page recognition in the CPC Event Program
  • Two (2) CPC tote bags filled with goodies (parrot toys, etc.—great for club raffles or gifts)
  • Two (2) full weekend passes to the Canadian Parrot Conference
    (can be raffled off within the organization or given to the 2 highest fund raisers in your club)

P4P Challenge 2009 Latest News


2009 Challenge Fundraising Activities

Tell us what your club has been up to to raise funds and will include stories on site.


Posted in P4PChallenge09.