Dr Bruce Hunter, DVM, PhD

Dr Bruce Hunter is a Professor in the Department of Pathobiology, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph. He obtained his DVM in from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan. He worked for several years in private veterinary practice, and then obtained a MSc in Avian/Wildlife Pathology from the University of Saskatchewan. He […]

Dr. Michael Taylor, DVM

Dr. Michael Taylor graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 1980. He has been in primarily avian & exotic animal practice since 1982 & has devoted all his professional time to this field since 1986 when he founded the first exclusively avian & exotic animal practice in Ontario, Canada. In 1994 he joined the staff […]

Dr Dale Smith, DVM, DVSc

Areas of Interest: Diseases of Avian, Exotic, Wildlife and Zoo Animals. Current projects: Proventricular Dilation Disease in psittacine birds, hepatic iron storage in psittacine birds, natural and experimental cerebral nematodiasis due to Baylisascaris procyonis in psittacine birds, control of reproductive cycling in veiled chameleons (Chameleo calyptratus). http://www.ovc.uoguelph.ca/path/faculty/dalesmit.cfm http://www.wildlifecaptureafrica.com CPC 2010 Workshop Details A workshop intended […]

Dr. Erin Harrison, DVM

Dr. Erin Harrison is a native of Windsor, Ontario. After achieving an honours BSc in Biological Sciences (with Great Distinction) at the University of Windsor in 2004, she completed her DVM (with Distinction) at the Ontario Veterinary College in 2008. Dr. Harrison is a proud recipient of the Katherine Long Memorial Scholarship, a peer elected […]